The whole internal consistency coefficient on video scale was. 通过现场验证了该方法用于确定冲压件初始板料的形状及尺寸的精确性及合理性。视频式总量表信度系数是。
Research for the characteristics of polymer liquid is conducted through experiments. Chart board drawn by power-law model shows the relationship between power-law index and consistency coefficient vary with polymer concentration, temperature. 通过对聚合物溶液特性进行研究,利用幂律模式绘制了幂律指数与稠度系数随聚合物浓度、温度变化的关系图版。
The consistency coefficient increased with rise in concentration, while the flow behavior index decreased. 随着浓度的上升,稠度系数上升,流变指数下降。
The internal consistency was supported by Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.814.Testing of criterion related validity found daily weight gain was negatively associated with self management behavior and significantly negatively associated with the behavior of restriction of liquid, ion and management behavior in quantity of food. 内部一致性信度Cronbach'sα系数为0.814。效标关联效度检验发现每日体质量增加值与自我管理行为负相关,与液体、离子的限制行为和饮食量的管理行为显著负相关。
Results The threshold value of the penumbra ( CBF%) was 0.20-0.66. The consistency coefficient Kappa ( K) of the two methods was 0.7877. ROC curve showed that the contrast method had higher diagnostic efficacy than the mismatch method. 结果半暗带阈值(CBF%)为0.20~0.66,两种方法间一致性系数Kappa(K)为0.7877。ROC曲线显示对比法的诊断效能高于不匹配法。
The influences of the relaxation time, the injection rate, the permeability reduction coefficient, the consistency coefficient and the power-law exponent of the injected fluid on pressure performance are analyzed. 分析了松弛时间、注入量、渗透率下降因数、注入液稠度系数以及幂律指数等参数对压力动态的影响。
Determination of reliability: ① Internal consistency: To calculate Cronbach a coefficient, correlation of subscales, and correlation of Person in each subscales ② Coefficient of the test-retest reliability: to calculate Person correlation of the results in every subscale in twice measurements of 93 students. 信度检验包括①内在一致性:计算Cronbachα系数,分量表相关,计算各分量表条目之间的Person相关。②重测信度系数:计算93名学生前后各分量表得分的Person相关。
Before statistics and analyzing the data, I have analyzed the internal consistency of the items, the coefficient of the reliability is 0.91, so this investigation is reliable. 统计与分析数据之前,对各项策略的内在一致性进行了分析,信度系数为0.91,所以此次调查结果是可信的。
In chemical flooding, consistency coefficient of the oil displacement agent declines exponentially, the power law exponent increases linearly in the direction of percolation flow. 在驱油过程中,驱油剂的稠度系数沿渗流方向呈指数规律减小,而幂指数则以线型规律递增。
According to the in situ data statistics and the synchronous concept of the resistance change in the process of cement slurry thickening and solidifying, the methods for forecasting the Value A of cement slurry consistency resistance coefficient and for preventing annular space gas channeling are proposed. 根据现场资料统计和水泥浆稠化与凝结过程阻力变化的同步概念,提出了水泥浆稠度阻力系数A值预测和防止环空气窜的方法。
The rheological properties of starches from different rice variety and the influence of temperature and concentration on consistency coefficient and flow behavior index were studied in order to offer parameters for selecting raw material and food processing. 以不同品种大米淀粉为材料,研究淀粉糊的流变学特性,温度、淀粉糊浓度对黏度系数、流变指数的影响,为淀粉质食品的原料选择和加工提供参数。
Reliability can be estimated by stability coefficient or internal consistency coefficient under various conditions. 在不同的条件下,信度可用稳定性系数或内部一致性系数来估计。
The effect of concentration was analyzed on the rheological behavior of polymer solution. The variable laws of apparent viscosity, fluid index n, and consistency coefficient k was described with concentration of polymer solution. 同时,分析了聚合物溶液浓度对其流变特性的影响,描述了聚合物溶液表现粘度、流性指数n和稠度系数K随聚合物溶液浓度的变化规律。
Regression analysis showed that phosphorus added into soils had significant linear relationship with phosphorus consistency and each coefficient had overrun 0.98 in soil's equilibrium solution. 回归分析表明,磷的加入量(Y,mg·kg~(-1))与平衡溶液中磷浓度(C,mg·kg~(-1))间存在显著的直线相关,土壤相关系数均达0.98以上。
In this paper, the sufficient condition of consistency of MLE of regression coefficient in linear models is established. It is interest that the condition is only given by the design sequence, like LSE. 讨论了线性模型中回归系数的MLE的相合性的充分条件,有趣的是,与LSE相似,所得的条件只与试验点列有关。
The apiece row consistency variability coefficient of seeding quantity is 2.28%, the stability variability coefficient of the full seeding quantity is 1.09%. 试验用排种器的各行排量一致性变异系数为2.28%,总排量稳定性变异系数为1.09%。
And the effect of salinity on the rheological characteristics of polymer solution was researched. Through matching rheological curve, the rheology parameters are calculated, the higher the salinity is, the smaller the consistency coefficient is, and the bigger the power law index is. 且通过流变曲线拟合,得出矿化度对聚合物溶液流变性影响表现为,矿化度越高,幂律指数越大,稠度系数越小。
Weak consistency of regression coefficient estimates in a linear regression model with correlated errors 误差相关线性模型回归系数估计的弱相合性
This study shows that the bottom hole pressure of injection well and formation pressure increase with the increase of injection rate, permeability reduction coefficient, consistency coefficient, power-law exponent of the injected fluids. 结果表明:注入井的井底压力及地层压力随着聚合物溶液的弹性效应、注入量、稠度系数、幂律指数的增加而增加;
The time sequence, which is plus correlation with mean value of consistency value series and minus correlation with variance of consistency value series, is used as weight coefficient for sensor. 引入与一致性度量序列均值正相关,与方差负相关的序列作为传感器的权系数。
The development process and merit of the "Four Low One High" was represented. The "Four Low One High" namely is technical control process of low electrolyte temperature 、 low molecular proportion 、 low aluminum oxide consistency 、 low effect coefficient 、 high load voltage. 阐述了比较合理的四低一高工艺的发展过程及其优点,四低一高即低电解质温度、低分子比、低氧化铝浓度、低效应系数、高工作电压的工艺控制过程;
The coefficient of internal consistency and coefficient of stability are 0.867 and 0.661 for total score. 问卷总分的内在一致性系数和稳定系数分别为0.867和0.661。
And on the condition of this research, some conclusions about coal-oil mixture might be given: the consistency coefficient would increase evidently with the coal's concentration, and decrease evidently with temperature. 并在本研究条件下得到油煤浆的管道输送特性:稠度系数随煤粉浓度显著增大,随温度显著减小;
The study preceded a surveying inspection on the initial questionnaire, using cloning Bach ( Crombacha) consistency coefficient to evaluate test reliability level and the content validity analysis, and finally forms the formal questionnaire on the basis of deletion and amendment. 笔者对初始问卷进行了项目分析,采用克隆巴赫(Crombacha)一致性系数评价测验的信度水平并进行内容效度分析,在删减修正的基础上形成正式问卷。
With the increasing the melt consistency coefficient, power law index, amount of melt injection, the water penetration distance decreased and the radial penetration distance had little change. 3. 随着熔体稠度系数、幂率指数、熔体注射量的增大,水的轴向穿透距离减小,径向穿透距离增大。
For the main index, the change rate of titration acid consumption is used to express the acid consumption rate of the model based on the dissolving reaction model of consistency boundary. which can provide diffusion coefficient of corrosion reaction indirectly. 在主要评价指标中,用滴定耗酸量变化率表征基于浓度边界层溶解反应模型中的耗酸速率,从而间接求出腐蚀反应中的扩散系数。
The relationship between jet parameters ( velocity, power-law index, consistency coefficient, ambient pressure, ambient density) and physical information of jet field was discussed, and compared with experimental results. 讨论了射流参数(射流速度、幂律指数、稠度系数)以及环境参数(环境压力、密度)对射流形貌、核心长度和破碎长度的影响,并与实验结果进行比较。
Reliability and validity of test results: The internal consistency coefficient is 0.728, and the content validity and construct validity are also acceptable. 信效度检验结果显示:问卷的内部一致性系数为0.728,同时有较好的内容效度和构想效度。
With the consistency coefficient, power law index, melt injection volume, injection speed, injection time delay increased, the inlet pressure also increased. 4. 随着稠度系数、幂率指数、熔体注射量、注水速度、注水延时的增加,入口压力也增加。